Raster and vector cartography for CartoDruid
CartoDruid allows you to use vector and raster mapping on your android device without the need for connection. It supports raster images in mbTiles and rasterlite format, and vector layers like sqlite (spatialite) and shp
In this page we will publish cartographic references that You can use directly in your CartoDruid projects.
In the ITACyL's geoportal you can find other cartographic products to use in your projects. Contact us if you need any more layers and tell us your case.
SIGPAC (Sistema de Información Geográfica de Parcelas Agrícolas) is a spanish LPIS, that allows to identify geographically the plots declared by farmers and ranchers, in any aid scheme related to the area cultivated or used by the cattle.
Asset Publisher
Aggregates and cadastral zones of Castilla y León
Description: Aggregates and cadastral zones of Castilla y León obtained from official SIGPAC plots in the different campaigns.
Information source: SIGPAC Database (FEGA-MAGRAMA) and processed by ITACyL.
Creation date: 2015, 2016, 2017.
Reference system: N/A
Format: Alphanumeric table in sqlite Database.
Use license: licencia-IGCYL-NC.
National Topographic Map by provinces and scales 1:2.000.000 (just for 2018) 1:1.250.000, 1:500.000, 1:200.000, 1:50.000 y 1:25.000
Description: Maps to view in mobile applications and GIS tools that support .mbtiles format. Province and National Parks are the distribution and download unit. Files created with the Mobac tool (Mobile Atlas Creator) 1.9.16 version. These are files that allow the raster mapping of the National Geographic Institute corresponding to the map of Spain to scale 1: 1 250 000, the map of Spain to scale 1: 500 000, the provincial map to scale 1: 200 000, the Map National Topographic at 1:50 000 scale and the National Topographic Map at scale 1:25 000. Geodetic reference system WGS84 and geographic coordinates longitude and latitude (without cartographic projection).
Information source: © Instituto Geográfico Nacional, IGN.
Creation date: 2016, 2018 and 2022.
Reference system: Geodetic reference system WGS84 and geographical coordinates longitude and latitude (Without cartographic projection).
Format: Raster layer in .mbtiles format.
Use license: Condiciones uso IGN. -
PNOA orthophotography
Description: Orthorectified aerial images Coverage of the territory of Castilla y León (resolution 50 cm / pixel), corresponding to the photogrammetric flight made in 2014.
Information source: Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea, Instituto Geográfico Nacional, IGN.
Creation date: 2014, 2017, 2020 and 2021.
Reference system: Geodetic reference system WGS84 and geographical coordinates longitude and latitude (Without cartographic projection).
Format: Raster layer in geographic Database SQLite-SpatiaLite (RasterLite extension) or MBTiles (recommeded). .Sheet is the distribution and download unit (ver Distribución de hojas).
Use license: Condiciones uso IGN.
Coverage of Municipalities and Provinces of Castilla y León based on SIGPAC parcels
Description: Delimitation of the surface attributed to each municipality and province of Castilla y León based on the municipal codification of the SIGPAC parcel, simplified and adjusted to the geometries of the SIGPAC enclosures.
Information source: © Instituto Geográfico Nacional, IGN y procesado posteriormente por ITACyL.
Creation date: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.
Reference system: ETRS 1989, utm zone 30N (EPSG: 25830) for years from 2014 to 2017. ETRS 1989 (EPSG: 4258) since 2018.
Format: Polygonal vector layer in geographic database sqlite-SpatiaLite.
Use license: licencia-IGCYL-NC. -
SIGPAC plots
Description: SIGPAC plots officially published for the CAP subsidies System in the different campaigns.
Information source: SIGPAC Database (FEGA-MAGRAMA).
Creation date: published annually in February since 2014.
Reference system: ETRS 1989, utm zone 30N (EPSG: 25830) for years from 2014 to 2017. ETRS 1989 (EPSG: 4258) since 2018.
Format: Polygonal vector layer in geographic database sqlite-SpatiaLite. Province is the distribution and download unit.
Use license: licencia-IGCYL-NC. -
Description: Polígonos SIGPAC publicados oficialmente para el Sistema de Ayudas PAC en las diferentes campañas.
Information source: Base de datos del SIGPAC (FEGA-MAGRAMA).
Creation date: published annually in February since 2014.
Reference system: ETRS 1989, utm zone 30N (EPSG: 25830) for years from 2014 to 2017. ETRS 1989 (EPSG: 4258) since 2018.
Format: Polygonal vector layer in geographic database sqlite-SpatiaLite. Province is the distribution and download unit.
Use license: licencia-IGCYL-NC. -
SIGPAC enclosures
Description: SIGPAC enclosures officially published for the CAP subsidies System in the different campaigns.
Information source: SIGPAC Database (FEGA-MAGRAMA).
Creation date: published annually in February since 2014.
Reference system: ETRS 1989, utm zone 30N (EPSG: 25830) for years from 2014 to 2017. ETRS 1989 (EPSG: 4258) since 2018.
Format: Polygonal vector layer in geographic database sqlite-SpatiaLite. Province is the distribution and download unit.
Use license: licencia-IGCYL-NC.