

Help and Documentation

  • Starting with CartoDruid: A three minutes tutorial for help yo with your first CartoDruid project.
  • Blog: Visit our blog section to see CartoDruid driving examples.
  • Reference manual: detailed configuration guide to take advantage of all the power of CartoDruid.
  • Download this Sample project with the settings that are used in the reference manual.
    • To install it, simply unzip the zip file into the / sdcard / cartodruid folder on your mobile device.
    • This project uses the following cartography. You can use the project without this cartography but you will not be able to see all the examples. You can download any of the orthophotos or any database of any province, the project will work the same, but make sure you download the information of your area. Go to cartography section to see complete information about the layers.



Do you have questions about how CartoDruid can help you in your daily work? Need a custom development based on CartoDruid?

Access our Forum telling us your case.

We will respond and contact you to see how CartoDruid can help you to improve and streamline your work.